Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break 2010

This is the first Spring Break where I didn't head home. I decided to stay in MD in case I had an interview or something(yay positive thinking!). While I did get to meet up with friends from high school and middle school, there was kind of something missing. That feeling went away when my mom called me and told me that she was flying up for my thesis presentation. While it is something that I would never ask for, having my mom at what I consider one of the defining moments of my college career is one of the greatest things that could happen. My mom is more or less my role model.

I am psyched for the rest of break. Hopefully, I end up seeing more movies(The Crazies was intense). I also would like to figure out what I am doing with my life. That would be nice.

Lyric of the Day:
"If I could do just one near perfect thing I’d be happy.
They’d write it on my grave, or when they scattered my ashes.
On second thoughts, I’d rather hang around and be there with my best friend,
If she wants me."
-Belle and Sebastian:"If She Wants Me"

Random Story of The Day:
Today I realized that I was auditioned for the role of boyfriend by one of the friends of a girl I thought was cute. In this performance I proceeded to comment on how much my "date" was eating and said she wasn't good looking by omission.

As my little brother says, "...and that is why you don't get laid."
Note to Future Self: The Unknown is Fear.

1 comment:

ET said...

That's sweet =) And I'm really happy for you that your Gems project turned out to be something you can hold up and be proud of -- not everyone can say that. You worked hard for it, and it's wonderful that your mother will be there to see how your efforts paid off.