Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chivalry is dead, and Loyalty is on the chopping block

[insert deep over-thought essay involving commentary on society and our current economy]

Lyric of the Day:
"I'm all ears and I'm all scars
to hear you tell me "Boy's like you, you try too hard
to look not quite as desperate". I'm hanging on.
But I still know the way to make your makeup run."
-Fall Out Boy:"The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes"

Random Story of The Day:
When we were playing Halo, I could not for the life of me get a kill. I would put 20 bullets into someone, and then a teammate would steal my kill. I was essentially the Steve Nash of Halo.

While playing Halo:
Dude: "I guess that is what sex must feel like"
Other Dude: "That's like an 'end the night' phrase right there"
Note to Future Self: You were once speechless, and it was exhilarating.

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