Monday, June 21, 2010

End of the Road

The end of college. Who thought that it would end this soon?

Four years have gone by in ways that I could not have even imagined. From the first awkward introductions as a Freshman, to the flurry that was Senior Year, it has been a good time. I have been challenged, I have had total freedom, and I have had to make some of the most important decisions of my life. As I become an adult, I know that this time has been a significant period of growth.

As I look back, I know the romantic in me will long to have things they were. Surrounded by supportive friends, relatively responsibility-free, and living life to the fullest. I don't know if it could have been any better.

I will definitely keep blogging, though I want to come up with an amusing title or idea for my future blog.

Lyric of the Day:
"All the things I know right now
If I only knew back then
There's no gettin' over
No gettin over'
There's just no getting over you."
-David Guetta feat. Fergie, LMAO, and Chris Willis:"Gettin' over You"

Random Story of The Day:
During my move in day my freshman year, I was nervous about living in the dorm. I wanted to take college as a time to get out of my shell a bit, so I tried to introduce myself to everyone who would be in my hall.

During an elevator ride up with a cart load of my stuff, I shared the elevator with a girl who had a cart of her own and her brother. I started up a conversation with her, and I was glad I had a new friend at college.

"You live on my floor!", I exclaimed excitedly as she stepped off the elevator.

"Me. Live Here?", she replied. "I'm a second year med student, its my brother who is moving in..."

Note to Future Self: Visit Boston next year.

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