Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ghosts of future pasts

When I look back at this part of my life I feel like I will have far too many regrets.

But then again there is so much I have done. I guess its just impossible to do everything.

Lyric of the Day:
"By the light of the moon
She rubs her eyes
Says it's funny how the night
Can make you blind
I can just imagine
And I don't know what I’m supposed to do
But if she feels bad then I do too
So I let her be"
-Rob Thomas:"Her Diamonds"

Random Story of The Day:
We were out at a pizza place, when we started talking about funny date stories.

My friend was asked out by this guy in high school. When he called to ask when he should pass by, she told him she would just meet him at the place. Her mom overheard her, and told her to change it so he would pick her up. My friend has to call the guy back and changed plans.

Her picked her up and took he to a movie. When they went into the theater, he refused to buy popcorn, choosing instead to give her gum he brought in. As the movie went on, he tried the "wide yawn move". Needless to say this experience may have stopped her from dating for a while...
Note to Future Self: A Michael Jackson-based musical. When it comes out, you called it.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Across the Universe is a pretty awesome movie. I'm surprised there hasn't been more rock musicals after it came out. Maybe I should figure out one. But after I decide if PV cell research in Australia is what I want to do with my life.

Lyric of the Day:
"Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest
But baby I don't mean it
I mean it, I promise
Da da da, da da"
-Pink:"Please don't leave me"

Random Story of The Day:
Types of Drunks I have encountered:
- Belligerent Drunk
- Friendly Drunk
- Sleepy Drunk
- Philosophical Drunk
- The "I'm not drunk" Drunk
- Fake Overacting Drunk
Note to Future Self: People rarely want the truth, and even less uncompromising truth.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Though we try so hard just to make it better, there is always blood.

I am just a boat,
floating on a vast ocean,
without a compass.

Haiku post.

Lyric of the Day:
"It all comes down
to sex or love.
I hate to choose"
-The Static Age:"Trauma"

Random Story of The Day:
Switching from stories that I would like to keep "just in case". Here is one I hope I never have to use.
My friend was interested in this girl, and they were friends. They decided to take a class together. Things were fine until she and her friend decided that they should have him take notes for them when they didn't show up for class. They started getting bitchy with him for not having the notes the way they wanted, and it basically ruined their friendship. The icing on the cake? She was always up on his floor yelling at him, until one day he couldn't find her for notes a day he missed class. He found her in the bedroom of the guy across the hall...
Note to Future Self: You think too much.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The World is on Fire

The world is retarded. For every Fox News, there is a Huffington Post. For every Heritage Foundation, there is a Heartland Institute. People ignore the Iranian election and report on Letterman talking about Palin's daughter. This is madness, and not the kind that gets you free spells.

Lyric of the Day:
"Say that it isn't so
How she easily come, how she easy go
Please don't tell her cause she don't really need to know.

That I'm crazy like the rest of us
And I'm crazier when I'm next to her."
-Jason Mraz:"Please Don't Tell Her"

Random Story of The Day:
Continuing my previous idea of telling stories that may be good to have in hindsight, I give you the best breakup story.

My friend's GF was going to study abroad for nine months. Not wanting to be a burden to her while she was away, he told himself he would break up with her and if she was single when she came back they could consider dating again. Two days after their "breakup" he was skyping her at eight in the morning. After two visits to her in Europe, and the most ridiculous care packages I have ever seen(one including a CD of him singing/playing a song from Wall-E), it looks like they are still together :P
Note to Future Self: Supreme Court Justices can legislate from the bench...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

24 Hours in the life

Earlier today I hung out with my friend for his birthday. Its amusing to me that kids who go to a top tier school get their kicks by drinking in the parking lot of a mall. Well at least that made them easier to beat in laser tag(Number 3 on the winning team :D). Karaoke is a ton of fun, and I'm glad I got to hang out with my friends before they leave for the summer.

I just came back from the first Hindu prayers that I have been to for a while. I think Dogma had it right, faith is a glass that needs to be periodically refilled. Everytime I go to a place of worship, be it a temple or a church, I find myself feeling spiritually fulfilled. But even as satisfying as that is, I guess I feel pulled towards feeling the chaos in the world than living contently.

Lyric of the Day:
"Tell your boyfriend,
if he's got beef,
That I'm a vegetarian,
and I ain't fucking scared of him"
-3oh!3:"Don't trust me"

Random Story of The Day:
Today I learned a new drinking game. Watch Mulan, and drink every time they say "Huns" or "Man". "Someday I'll make a man out of you" will pretty much destroy you :P
Note to Future Self: Law school?

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Airport Internet

So, I’m at the airport waiting for my flight. Thanks to Southwest’s comfy chairs with electrical outlets, I have my laptop in commission. I even have internet access so this can be posted when I'm done writing!

Today I go back to Maryland. This has been a pretty good break. Even though I missed a couple of possibly crucial phone calls, getting away from last semester was necessary. When I get back, I have a ton to do, including staying with my grandparents, and hanging out with people who are leaving for Europe, and who got back.

I'm even looking forward to going back to the lab. Summer means I can be ridiculously productive, heck I may even be able to cite my mom :D

Lyric of the Day:
"Lets get this party started right,
Lets get drunk and freaky fly,
You with me so its alright,
We gonna stay up the whole night."
-Justice:"The Party"

Random Story of The Day:
For a while, I’m going to be doing a little something different. In case any of the couples I know in college ever get married, I’m going to start putting up amusing stories about them. That was I have a funny story for the wedding :D

One of my friends met this guy in one of her classes. He asked her if she wanted to come with him and “a couple of his friends” to see a movie. Being a cautious person, she asked her roommate if she would come with her to see the movie.

After word trickled to the rooms next door (and to friends who lived even on the top and second floors of the building), a lot of people realized that we all wanted to see that movie. We asked if we could come, and our friend, being the nice person that she is, told us that it probably wouldn’t be a big deal if we all came.

When we got to the theater, she got a call from the guy saying that he was at a restaurant nearby, and that she should join for a pre-movie dinner. As our group walked to the restaurant, I realized something. Dinner and a movie? This kind of felt like a date…

When we got to the restaurant, we met up with the guy who was sitting with his best friend. It turned out that he thought that she was bringing a friend. Our group of eight people accompanied our friend on her first date with this guy :P

Note to Future Self: You once had a list of ten possible jobs. Remember when you had no idea of what you were going to do?