Sunday, November 30, 2008

The End Complete

So, I just had my second to last GEMS class as an SL. When RT asked who wanted to do it next year, only one person raised their hand.

Wasn't me.

I also made a sick tuna casserole. Pigeon peas + Tuna = delicious. Formal should be entertaining.

Lyric of the Day:
"He was a skater boy,
She said 'see you later boy',
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star,
Slammin' on his guitar,
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?"
-Avril Lavigne:"Sk8ter Boy"

Random Story of The Day:
"After reading an entire chapter on kidney function, ending with the nervous control of urination, I kinda need to pee"

"And I'll leave you with the house"(meant to say goodbye and failed)

My friends :P

Thursday, November 06, 2008


For New Years, I've decide working on my list of resolutions a bit early this year. Here are a couple big ones.

1. I will not be a GEMS SL. Ever again. Except if I get to do 100 with a good friend. My logic for this decision is based on the fact that I've had an amazing time doing 102 and 202. I followed a group of students from Gemscamp, to team formation, up to their preparation for their thesis defense. I don't think I will be able to replicate this experience, especially since I'm not going to be a 102 SL next semester. SLing was something I enjoyed alot, but its not something that I think I can do again. Plus, all those overachiever gems kids who need it for their resume need a chance to SL.

2. I will have my polymerization model done by Thanksgiving. I've been slacking at work due to distractions, be it HHMI, Fluids, or pretending to be a BIOE. I need to work out the kinks in the dynamics and add in polarity. Hopefully I'll even have a decent looking GUI by the end of this semester.

3. I will go to Badminton on Mondays once I recover. This semester I kind of slacked off in terms or going to badminton, but after I injured my ankle I realized that if I were a couple of pounds lighter maybe having to limp around wouldn't be so bad. Plus, badminton was a great way to keep in touch with a couple of friends who I rarely see these days.

4. With a similar idea, I will setup my schedule so I can go to ballroom next semester. Just because I have HW and work doesn't mean I can't make time for something that I really liked. Maybe I'll even be able to organize my old partner coming with me so that the learning curve won't make me look silly as I get back used to dancing. Heck, maybe I'll try to convince a new person to go with me.

5. I will go home this winter. I usually end up coming up with some excuse to avoid leaving campus, but this winter I think I'll head to FL, at least for Christmas, if not my birthday as well. Its my little brother's last year in high school, and I really think should spend sometime with him before he is off to college.

Lyric of the Day:
"His keeping busy, yeah he's bleeding stones,
With his machinations and his palindromes
It was anything but hear the voice
Anything but hear the voice
It was anything but hear the voice
That says that we’re all basically alone"
-Andrew Bird:"Imitosis"

Random Story of The Day:
Heard in the ME lounge-
Tom: There is no way that you could get with her.
Dude: Ignore him, That's just Tom being a dick.
Tom: This is just Tom being honest.

Check out "Silent Library". The Japanese remain amusing.